Author: Deborah Friedes Galili
Deborah Friedes Galili is an independent dancer and dance scholar based in Tel Aviv. She holds a BA in dance history from Brown University and an MFA in dance from The Ohio State University. In 2007-2008, Deborah researched Israeli contemporary dance on a Fulbright grant, blogged on The Winger, and podcasted interviews with Israeli dance professionals on Israel Seen.
Ohad Naharin Receives a 2009 Dance Magazine Award
Just a few months after receiving the prestigious Samuel H. Scripps American Dance Festival Award, Ohad Naharin was named as one of the recipients of a Dance Magazine Award.
Interview with Barak Marshall: Dancing between Israel and America (Podcast) (Part 1)
A conversation with Barak Marshall is like his choreography: fast-paced, peppered with diverse cultural references, and chock-full of attention-grabbing details.
Israeli Dance: What’s Happening in November
November is a month of festivals and foreign tours.
Phaza Morgana 2009: Batsheva Dance Company in the Desert
The distinctive sound of dancers drumming on enormous water cooler bottles flooded the courtyard as the Batsheva Dance Company rehearsed Ohad Naharin’s “Anaphaza.”
A New Design (and Some Statistics) for a New Year
In honor of our website’s first anniversary, we’ve rolled out a new magazine-style design!