Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak: An Interview on Imagination (Podcast)
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Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak’s Shaker completes its U.S. tour at New York City’s Joyce Theater this week. Photo by Eyal Landesman.
This is the first in a series of podcasted interviews with dance professionals in Israel.
You can listen via the player embedded in this post or subscribe to this podcast for free by visiting our podcast feed and using the iTunes software ((You can subscribe to the podcast feed by searching the iTunes directory for “Dance In Israel”)). This podcast was initially produced for Israel Seen, and the text below was written for The Winger.
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The very first work I saw at the Suzanne Dellal Center last year was Shaker, by Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak. Despite my jet lag, I realized that Inbal and Avshalom’s visually stunning work was special – and when I later saw the Inbal Pinto Dance Company in Oyster (twice!) and Hydra, I knew that my initial assessment of these creators was correct. Want more proof of this couple’s exceptional talent and ability to win over audiences with their artistry? Several hundred performances after its premiere, Oyster still fills the house at Suzanne Dellal, and the Israel Festival had to add a third performance of Hydra this June because of the demand for tickets.
Avshalom Pollak and Inbal Pinto. Photo by Asaf Ashkenazyn.
In between rehearsals for their new production and tours of their existing repertory, I caught up with Inbal and Avshalom in the spring of 2008 to learn how this imaginative couple concocts such unique creations. You can learn more too if you tune in to our podcast!
For more pictures, videos, and links, read the rest of my post below:
Hydra, the newest work by Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak. Photo by Seto Hidemi.
Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak’s Oyster. Photo by Elazar Harel
Video: A clip from Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak’s Shaker.
I’ll leave you with one more treat:
Video: Excerpts from Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak’s What Good Would the Moon Be.
Related Articles on Dance In Israel
Other Podcasts on Dance In Israel
- Niv Sheinfeld and Oren Laor: An Interview with Dramatic Dancemakers
- Interview with Yair Vardi: A View of Israeli Concert Dance from the Top
- Renana Raz: Choreographing Israeli Culture and Beyond
- Sahar Azimi Speaks about Choreography and Contemporary Dance
- Shlomit Fundaminsky: A Conversation on Improvisation and Israeli Life
- Noa Dar Discusses Her Dance Career
- Andrea Miller: From Gaga to Gallim Dance
Related Links
- Inbal Pinto Dance Company’s website
- “Dancing a Dream” – Nick Johnstone’s interview with Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak, from the Jewish Chronicle